Cross country


Much will depend on which slope and how much wind. We will be required to fly to several way points and perform tasks like circles or loops. This will be carried out in pairs. This year I will try to make the tasks harder and the time less important, so that it is a test of skill and not a race.
Beginners and the nervous will be given help. 

Model Advice:

Any model that suits the slope and wind speed. Normally a large floater would be used, but on our slopes we often use Zagis. Getting back from behind the slope can be a problem, I will try to included a couple Zagi tasks, like a low pass or spot landing

 Comp may include some of the tasks below

Task A  fly to flag dip below horizon, then and do 12 loops in 1 minute start the time when model goes below horizon, tick box for reaching the flag, model must remain air borne for 1 min after loops or deduct 3 loops

Task B fly to flag dip below horizon then and do 12 rolls in 1 minute start time when model goes below horizon, tick box for reaching the flag, model must remain air borne for 1 min after rolls or deduct 4 rolls

Task C stand on the ridge and fly below the horizon, fly to flag ( 1 tick)  do 3 circles down wind of the flag ( write down turns), do not count the "U" turn,  fly back to the ridge and remain in the air for 1 min, (1 tick)  

Task D Fly to the flag and fly back to the slope Remain in the air for 1 minute, 1 tick for reaching flag, 1 tick. 1 tick for completion

Task E fly to flag and fly back past the ridge, 1 tick for each, if you land before the ridge count the paces from the flag to your model

Task F reach the flag, fly below the horizon and keep flying for 1 min 1 tick each task

Task H Fly between and any part below the tops of poles(one attempt), after keep in the air for 1 Min, 1 tick each

Task I spot landing, round down to nearest metre

Task J
reach the flag, you and your model, complete one of three tasks

  1. Bring about world peace
  2. Stop global warming
  3. Complete simple task